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Rayon guitares : 04 76 46 37 38
19 bd Gambetta - 38000 Grenoble
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Rayon guitares : 04 76 46 37 38
19 bd Gambetta - 38000 Grenoble
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Michel Musique 0476462882
19 Boulevard Gambetta Grenoble 38000

Play Country Dances Flute A Bec

Descriptif produit



STYLE: Classique

NIVEAU: 1er Cycle

COMMENTAIRE: Graded tunes for recorder from Playford's "The Dancing Master" / Danses populaires extr. du "The Dancing Master" de Playford / rév. et sélect. Brian Bonsor.

TITRES: All in a garden green
- Amaryllis
- The beaux's delight
- Blackheath
- Black nell
- The bourrée
- Buckingham house
- Cavylilly man
- Chelsea reach
- Cherry garden
- Cobbler's jig
- The coronation day
- The cuckoo
- Dick's maggot
- Dunkirk
- Easter tuesday
- Fiddler's morris
- Freeman's dance
- Friday night
- Gathering peascods
- Goddesses
- Greenwich park
- Ham house
- The happy miller
- Het the camp
- The hole in the wall
- Hunsdon house
- Hunt the squirrel
- If all the world were paper
- The indian queen
- The last new vagaries
- Lili burlero
- The lord chamberlain's delight
- The lord phoppington
- Love neglected
- Mad moll
- The man tigger
- Man was for the womann made
- The mask
- The merry, merry milkmaids
- Mr. lane's marggot
- The mock match
- Never love thee more
- The new bourrée
- The new lord phoppington
- The new round o
- Neaw whitehall
- Newcastle
- Nowill hills
- The old mole
- Once i loved a maiden fair
- Parson's farewell
- The phoenix
- Portsmouth
- Richmond ball
- Round o
- St catherine
- Scoland
- The sham doctor
- The siege of limerick
- Spanish jig
- Stane's morris
- Sweet william
- The twenty-ninth of may
- Waltham abbey
- Well's humour
- Wolverton hall



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Avis et commentaires
Catégorie : Répertoire Flûte à bec
Marque : Faber Music
11,40 €

Livraison gratuite à partir 45€
Délais de 5 à 10 jours sur internet
Délais de 5 à 10 jours en boutique

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Rayon concerné: 04 76 46 28 82
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Détails Librairie musicale Play Country Dances Flute A Bec



STYLE: Classique

NIVEAU: 1er Cycle

COMMENTAIRE: Graded tunes for recorder from Playford's "The Dancing Master" / Danses populaires extr. du "The Dancing Master" de Playford / rév. et sélect. Brian Bonsor.

TITRES: All in a garden green
- Amaryllis
- The beaux's delight
- Blackheath
- Black nell
- The bourrée
- Buckingham house
- Cavylilly man
- Chelsea reach
- Cherry garden
- Cobbler's jig
- The coronation day
- The cuckoo
- Dick's maggot
- Dunkirk
- Easter tuesday
- Fiddler's morris
- Freeman's dance
- Friday night
- Gathering peascods
- Goddesses
- Greenwich park
- Ham house
- The happy miller
- Het the camp
- The hole in the wall
- Hunsdon house
- Hunt the squirrel
- If all the world were paper
- The indian queen
- The last new vagaries
- Lili burlero
- The lord chamberlain's delight
- The lord phoppington
- Love neglected
- Mad moll
- The man tigger
- Man was for the womann made
- The mask
- The merry, merry milkmaids
- Mr. lane's marggot
- The mock match
- Never love thee more
- The new bourrée
- The new lord phoppington
- The new round o
- Neaw whitehall
- Newcastle
- Nowill hills
- The old mole
- Once i loved a maiden fair
- Parson's farewell
- The phoenix
- Portsmouth
- Richmond ball
- Round o
- St catherine
- Scoland
- The sham doctor
- The siege of limerick
- Spanish jig
- Stane's morris
- Sweet william
- The twenty-ninth of may
- Waltham abbey
- Well's humour
- Wolverton hall



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Rayon guitares :
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