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Rayon guitares : 04 76 46 37 38
19 bd Gambetta - 38000 Grenoble
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Rayon guitares : 04 76 46 37 38
19 bd Gambetta - 38000 Grenoble
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Michel Musique 0476462882
19 Boulevard Gambetta Grenoble 38000

Emonts F. Traditional Festive Dances Piano 4 Mains

Descriptif produit



STYLE: Folklore

NIVEAU: Facile

COMMENTAIRE: The "Festive Dances" are intended as a continuation of the book "Let's Play Duets". Progress continues without exceeding the range of the lower grades. The lively melodies of the seventeenth-century European dance-forms offered the author a treasure trove of material from which to create these duets. The parts are written in such a way as to avoid the dissatisfaction that the pupil generally feels when practising either the primo or secondo part in isolation. Both parts are of the same difficulty and the pupil may play either the upper or lower part.

TITRES: Anonymous: Old French Dance
P. Attaignant: Gillarde
A. Campra: Passepieds
H. Desmarets: Rigaudon
A. C. Destouches: Passepied en rondeau
Fitzwilliam Virginal Book: Dance
Fitzwilliam Virginal Book: Alman
Fitzwilliam Virginal Book: Corranto
R. C. im Hoff: Bassa imperiale e Saltarello
J.-B. Lully: Pavanne pour Madame la Dauphine
J.-B. Lully: Bourrée
M. P. de Montéclair: Musette
J. Playford: Allegro
T. Susato: Die Post
S. Voelckel: Courante
E. Widmann: Two Dances

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Marque : Schott
16,50 €

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Rayon concerné: 04 76 46 28 82
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Détails Librairie musicale Emonts F. Traditional Festive Dances Piano 4 Mains



STYLE: Folklore

NIVEAU: Facile

COMMENTAIRE: The "Festive Dances" are intended as a continuation of the book "Let's Play Duets". Progress continues without exceeding the range of the lower grades. The lively melodies of the seventeenth-century European dance-forms offered the author a treasure trove of material from which to create these duets. The parts are written in such a way as to avoid the dissatisfaction that the pupil generally feels when practising either the primo or secondo part in isolation. Both parts are of the same difficulty and the pupil may play either the upper or lower part.

TITRES: Anonymous: Old French Dance
P. Attaignant: Gillarde
A. Campra: Passepieds
H. Desmarets: Rigaudon
A. C. Destouches: Passepied en rondeau
Fitzwilliam Virginal Book: Dance
Fitzwilliam Virginal Book: Alman
Fitzwilliam Virginal Book: Corranto
R. C. im Hoff: Bassa imperiale e Saltarello
J.-B. Lully: Pavanne pour Madame la Dauphine
J.-B. Lully: Bourrée
M. P. de Montéclair: Musette
J. Playford: Allegro
T. Susato: Die Post
S. Voelckel: Courante
E. Widmann: Two Dances

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