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Rayon guitares : 04 76 46 37 38
19 bd Gambetta - 38000 Grenoble
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Rayon guitares : 04 76 46 37 38
19 bd Gambetta - 38000 Grenoble
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Michel Musique 0476462882
19 Boulevard Gambetta Grenoble 38000

Alfred Cours de Base de Piano Vol 3

Descriptif produit



STYLE: Classique

NIVEAU: 3me Annéee

LANGUE: Anglais

COMMENTAIRE: French Language Edition. This easy step-by-step method emphasizes correct playing habits and note reading through interval recognition. Lesson Book 3 introduces "overlapping pedal"; new time signatures 3/8 and 6/8; and the primary triads in Major and Minor keys. Concepts include: passing one under two and one under three; playing major scales in contrary motion; the chromatic scale; the minor scale. For reinforcement of each principle as it is introduced, supplementary material is carefully coordinated, page for page, at each level of instruction. Coordinating supplemental books for Level 3 include: Classic Themes * Composition * Duet * Ear Training * Ensemble * Fun * Hymn * Merry Christmas * Merry Christmas Ensemble * Musical Concepts * Notespeller * Patriotic Solo * Recital * Repertoire * Sight Reading * Technic * Theory and Top Hits! Solo, Christmas and Duet Boo

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Marque : Aldred Publishing
10,90 €

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Rayon concerné: 04 76 46 28 82
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Détails Librairie musicale Alfred Cours de Base de Piano Vol 3



STYLE: Classique

NIVEAU: 3me Annéee

LANGUE: Anglais

COMMENTAIRE: French Language Edition. This easy step-by-step method emphasizes correct playing habits and note reading through interval recognition. Lesson Book 3 introduces "overlapping pedal"; new time signatures 3/8 and 6/8; and the primary triads in Major and Minor keys. Concepts include: passing one under two and one under three; playing major scales in contrary motion; the chromatic scale; the minor scale. For reinforcement of each principle as it is introduced, supplementary material is carefully coordinated, page for page, at each level of instruction. Coordinating supplemental books for Level 3 include: Classic Themes * Composition * Duet * Ear Training * Ensemble * Fun * Hymn * Merry Christmas * Merry Christmas Ensemble * Musical Concepts * Notespeller * Patriotic Solo * Recital * Repertoire * Sight Reading * Technic * Theory and Top Hits! Solo, Christmas and Duet Boo

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