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Rayon guitares : 04 76 46 37 38
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19 Boulevard Gambetta Grenoble 38000

Janacek L. Oeuvres Piano

Janacek L. Oeuvres PianoJanacek L. Oeuvres Piano

Détails du produit

  • Janacek L. Oeuvres Piano
  • Janacek L. Oeuvres Piano
  • Janacek L. Oeuvres Piano

Descriptif produit



STYLE: Classique

NIVEAU: 2me cycle

COMMENTAIRE: This Urtext edition of Janácek’s works includes lesser-known piano pieces and miniatures from his late years. They complete our picture of Janácek the piano composer, best known for the cycles “On an Overgrown Path” and “In the Mists”. The late miniatures, entered in the album of Kamila Stösslová, reveal his compositional style at its most concise.
The editor Ondrej Pivoda, the curator of the Moravian State Museum in Brno, has taken the autograph manuscripts as his principal sources while consulting other accessible sources, such as historical editions and copyist’s manuscripts. This series of piano miniatures appears for the first time in a scholarly-critical edition.

TITRES: Thema con variazioni
- Ej, danaj!
- Moravské tance / Mährische Tänze / Moravian Dances:
- I. Celadenský / Tanz aus Celadná / Dance from Celadná
- II. Pilky
- Hudba ke kroužení kužely / Musik zum Keulenschwingen / Music for Club Swinging
- Klavírní drobnosti / Klavierminiaturen / Piano Miniatures:
- Na památku / Zum Andenken / In Remembrance
- [Moderato]
- [bez názvu] / [ohne Titel] / [untitled]
- Bratrím Mrštíkum / An die Brüder Mrštík / To the Mrštík Brothers
- Vzpomínka / Erinnerung / Reminiscence
- Skladby z Lidových novin / Kompositionen aus der Tageszeitung / Compositions from a Newspaper:
- Narodil se Kristus Pán / Geboren ist Herr Jesu Christ / Christ the Lord Was Born
- [Con moto]
- [Andante]
- Z památníku pro Kamilu Stösslovou / Aus dem Album für Kamila Stösslová / From the Autograph Book for Kamila Stösslová:
- [bez názvu] / [ohne Titel] / [untitled]
- Aby už se nemohlo jíti nikdy nikdy zpet / Sodass man nicht wiederkehren kann / So That One Could Never Return
- Cekám Te! / Ich erwarte Dich! / I Am Waiting for You
- Zlatý kroužek / Der goldene Kreis / The Golden Ring   

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Catégorie : Répertoire Piano
Marque : Barenreiter
22,95 €

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Rayon concerné: 04 76 46 28 82
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Détails Librairie musicale Janacek L. Oeuvres Piano



STYLE: Classique

NIVEAU: 2me cycle

COMMENTAIRE: This Urtext edition of Janácek’s works includes lesser-known piano pieces and miniatures from his late years. They complete our picture of Janácek the piano composer, best known for the cycles “On an Overgrown Path” and “In the Mists”. The late miniatures, entered in the album of Kamila Stösslová, reveal his compositional style at its most concise.
The editor Ondrej Pivoda, the curator of the Moravian State Museum in Brno, has taken the autograph manuscripts as his principal sources while consulting other accessible sources, such as historical editions and copyist’s manuscripts. This series of piano miniatures appears for the first time in a scholarly-critical edition.

TITRES: Thema con variazioni
- Ej, danaj!
- Moravské tance / Mährische Tänze / Moravian Dances:
- I. Celadenský / Tanz aus Celadná / Dance from Celadná
- II. Pilky
- Hudba ke kroužení kužely / Musik zum Keulenschwingen / Music for Club Swinging
- Klavírní drobnosti / Klavierminiaturen / Piano Miniatures:
- Na památku / Zum Andenken / In Remembrance
- [Moderato]
- [bez názvu] / [ohne Titel] / [untitled]
- Bratrím Mrštíkum / An die Brüder Mrštík / To the Mrštík Brothers
- Vzpomínka / Erinnerung / Reminiscence
- Skladby z Lidových novin / Kompositionen aus der Tageszeitung / Compositions from a Newspaper:
- Narodil se Kristus Pán / Geboren ist Herr Jesu Christ / Christ the Lord Was Born
- [Con moto]
- [Andante]
- Z památníku pro Kamilu Stösslovou / Aus dem Album für Kamila Stösslová / From the Autograph Book for Kamila Stösslová:
- [bez názvu] / [ohne Titel] / [untitled]
- Aby už se nemohlo jíti nikdy nikdy zpet / Sodass man nicht wiederkehren kann / So That One Could Never Return
- Cekám Te! / Ich erwarte Dich! / I Am Waiting for You
- Zlatý kroužek / Der goldene Kreis / The Golden Ring   

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