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Magasin : 04 76 46 28 82
Rayon guitares : 04 76 46 37 38
19 bd Gambetta - 38000 Grenoble
Le spécialiste des instruments de musique depuis 1921
Magasin : 04 76 46 28 82
Rayon guitares : 04 76 46 37 38
19 bd Gambetta - 38000 Grenoble
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Michel Musique 0476462882
19 Boulevard Gambetta Grenoble 38000

Gade N.w. Selected Piano Works

Gade N.w. Selected Piano WorksGade N.w. Selected Piano Works

Détails du produit

  • Gade N.w. Selected Piano Works
  • Gade N.w. Selected Piano Works

Descriptif produit



STYLE: Classique

NIVEAU: Moyenne difficulté 

COMMENTAIRE: Gade's piano music is steeped in Danish folk music, yet technically demanding and always very pianistic so that both piano pupils and experienced pianists will find many rewarding challenges when playing this music. The present album provides an insight into Gade's piano oeuvre and shows his importance in his day. Thanks to their numerous facets, the piano works of this great composer still are a valuable addition to lessons and concert performances.

TITRES: Intermezzo op. 2a/2

Frühlingsblumen / Spring Flowers / Fleurs de printemps, op. 2b:

- Schneeglöckchen / Snow-drops / Perce-neige

- Veilchen / Violets

- Rose

Am Bache / By the Brook, op. 34/2

Der Kinder Christabend / Children‘s Christmas Eve op. 36

- Weihnachtsglocken / Christmas Bells / Clochettes de Noël

- Der Weihnachtsbaum / The Christmas Tree / L’arbe de Noël

- Gute Nacht / Good night / Bonne nuit

Phantasiestücke / Fantasy Pieces / Pièce de fantasie, op. 41

- Im Walde / In the Forest / Dans la forêt

- Mignon

- Märchen / Fairy Tale / Conte

- Beim Feste / At the Festival / Jour de fête

Neue Aquarelle / New Aquarelles / Nouveau aquarelles op. 57:

- Humoreske

- Notturno

- Scherzo

- Romanze

- Capriccio

3 Albumblätter / 3 Album Leaves / Feuille d‘ albumWoO 108

Werke anderer Komponisten / Works by other composers

Edvard Grieg

Gade aus / from / de: Lyrische Stücke / Lyric Pieces /Pièces lyriques, op. 57/2

Adolf Jensen

Rätsel / Riddle (Enigma), op. 7/4

Robert Schumann

Nordisches Lied „Gruß an G." / Nordic Song / Chant du Nord

aus / from / de: Album für die Jugend / Album for the Young /

Album pour la jeunesse, op. 68/ 41

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Avis et commentaires
Catégorie : Répertoire Piano
Marque : Schott
24,40 €

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Rayon concerné: 04 76 46 28 82
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Détails Librairie musicale Gade N.w. Selected Piano Works



STYLE: Classique

NIVEAU: Moyenne difficulté 

COMMENTAIRE: Gade's piano music is steeped in Danish folk music, yet technically demanding and always very pianistic so that both piano pupils and experienced pianists will find many rewarding challenges when playing this music. The present album provides an insight into Gade's piano oeuvre and shows his importance in his day. Thanks to their numerous facets, the piano works of this great composer still are a valuable addition to lessons and concert performances.

TITRES: Intermezzo op. 2a/2

Frühlingsblumen / Spring Flowers / Fleurs de printemps, op. 2b:

- Schneeglöckchen / Snow-drops / Perce-neige

- Veilchen / Violets

- Rose

Am Bache / By the Brook, op. 34/2

Der Kinder Christabend / Children‘s Christmas Eve op. 36

- Weihnachtsglocken / Christmas Bells / Clochettes de Noël

- Der Weihnachtsbaum / The Christmas Tree / L’arbe de Noël

- Gute Nacht / Good night / Bonne nuit

Phantasiestücke / Fantasy Pieces / Pièce de fantasie, op. 41

- Im Walde / In the Forest / Dans la forêt

- Mignon

- Märchen / Fairy Tale / Conte

- Beim Feste / At the Festival / Jour de fête

Neue Aquarelle / New Aquarelles / Nouveau aquarelles op. 57:

- Humoreske

- Notturno

- Scherzo

- Romanze

- Capriccio

3 Albumblätter / 3 Album Leaves / Feuille d‘ albumWoO 108

Werke anderer Komponisten / Works by other composers

Edvard Grieg

Gade aus / from / de: Lyrische Stücke / Lyric Pieces /Pièces lyriques, op. 57/2

Adolf Jensen

Rätsel / Riddle (Enigma), op. 7/4

Robert Schumann

Nordisches Lied „Gruß an G." / Nordic Song / Chant du Nord

aus / from / de: Album für die Jugend / Album for the Young /

Album pour la jeunesse, op. 68/ 41

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Tél : 04 76 46 28 82
Rayon guitares :
Tél: 04 76 46 37 38

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