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Magasin : 04 76 46 28 82
Rayon guitares : 04 76 46 37 38
19 bd Gambetta - 38000 Grenoble
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Magasin : 04 76 46 28 82
Rayon guitares : 04 76 46 37 38
19 bd Gambetta - 38000 Grenoble
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Michel Musique 0476462882
19 Boulevard Gambetta Grenoble 38000

Guest Spot New Film Themes Cello

Descriptif produit


STYLE: Musique de Film

NIVEAU: 2me Cycle

COMMENTAIRE: Ten great themes from contemporary movies in melody line arrangements by Simon Lesley with specially recorded backing tracks. Hear full performance versions of all the songs, the instrumental part is then omitted so you can play along with the recorded accompaniments. Includes tracks from Amelie, Captain Corelli's Mandolin, Chocolat and Gosford Park.

TITRES: All Love Can Be (A Beautiful Mind)

Clair De Lune (Ocean's Eleven)

Come What May (Moulin Rouge)

Honor Him/Now We Are Free (Gladiator)

Le Banquet/La Valse Des Monstres (Amelie)

Mothersbaugh's Canon (The Royal Tenenbaums)

Passage Of Time/Vianne Sets Up Shop (Chocolat)

Pelagia's Song (Captain Corelli's Mandolin)

Pull Yourself Together (Gosford Park)

The Eternal Vow (Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon)

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Marque : Wise Publications
16,50 €

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Rayon concerné: 04 76 46 28 82
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Détails Librairie musicale Guest Spot New Film Themes Cello


STYLE: Musique de Film

NIVEAU: 2me Cycle

COMMENTAIRE: Ten great themes from contemporary movies in melody line arrangements by Simon Lesley with specially recorded backing tracks. Hear full performance versions of all the songs, the instrumental part is then omitted so you can play along with the recorded accompaniments. Includes tracks from Amelie, Captain Corelli's Mandolin, Chocolat and Gosford Park.

TITRES: All Love Can Be (A Beautiful Mind)

Clair De Lune (Ocean's Eleven)

Come What May (Moulin Rouge)

Honor Him/Now We Are Free (Gladiator)

Le Banquet/La Valse Des Monstres (Amelie)

Mothersbaugh's Canon (The Royal Tenenbaums)

Passage Of Time/Vianne Sets Up Shop (Chocolat)

Pelagia's Song (Captain Corelli's Mandolin)

Pull Yourself Together (Gosford Park)

The Eternal Vow (Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon)

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Michel Musique

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Tél : 04 76 46 28 82
Rayon guitares :
Tél: 04 76 46 37 38

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